poliso metro jaya jadwalkan istri ketiga dodi triono

Istri ketiga Dodi Triono, Agnes, akan dimintai keterangan terkait insiden perampokan disertai pembunuhan yang terjadi di Jalan Pulomas Utara Nomor 7A, Pulogadung, Jakarta Timur.
Pemeriksaan Agnes akan dilakukan untuk melengkapi berkas penyidikan. Namun, penyidik belum dapat memastikan kapan Agnes dimintai keterangan.
"Istrinya pasti akan diperiksa, tetapi untuk hari ini belum dimonitor, belum ada jadwal," ujar Kabid Humas Polda Metro Jaya, Kombes Raden Prabowo Argo Yuwono, kepada wartawan, Kamis (29/12/2016).
Baca: Tiga Pelaku Perampokan Pulomas Ditangkap, Polisi Masih Memburu Yus Pane
Sampai saat ini, aparat kepolisian masih akan terus melakukan pengejaran terhadap pelaku dan mengumpulkan barang bukti untuk mengungkap kasus tersebut.
"Terkait pemeriksaan terhadap saksi-saksi pasti dilakukan, tetapi saat ini, kami masih fokus mengejar pelaku," tambahnya.
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Dodi Triono third wife, Agnes, will be asked for information related to incidents of robbery with homicide occurred in Jalan Utara Pulomas No. 7A, Pulogadung, East Jakarta.
Agnes examination will be carried out to complete the investigative files. However, investigators could not say when Agnes questioning.
"His wife must be checked, but to this day has not monitored, there is no timetable," said Head of Public Relations Jakarta Police, Sr. Raden Prabowo Argo Yuwono, told reporters on Thursday (29/12/2016).
Read: Three Actors Pulomas Robbery Arrested, Police Still Hunt Yus Pane
Until now, the police will still continue to chase the perpetrators and collecting evidence to unravel the case.
"With regard to the examination of the witnesses must have done, but this time, we still focus on pursuing the perpetrators," he added.