siapa yang tahu kebaikannya

Throne nanny, child and spouse Ashanty Anang Story, has followers that quite a lot in Instagram.dimana followernya now 337k account @suwarsiha
The woman named Suwarsih Asih often post various activities in parenting Arsy.Dua days ago, Suwarsih just telling a story about Ashanty that is not widely known by others.

Suwarsih upset because her employer, Ashanty, often bullied because netizens often have a party at home is deemed to be a spree Spree.

However, this perception seems little changed when Suwarsih sebauh tells the story about his employer.

The following story was written by Suwersih about Ashanty:

Bismillah hopefully smooth operation mbak juju,
Ms. juju was originally Dr Banten dn sm working mothers, only two months.

This turned out to Ms. juju skt tumor, kermh dtng time mothers, a new tumor was the size of marbles tim ya juju nganggapnya usual bumps incognizant kalaul the tumor, and increasingly hr lump was enlarged and now of mangoes,

Initially all the juju not know if ya hit the tumor and why now Just out for ya juju initially asked for permission to go home at his secretary mother and asked the mother why his secretary asked to go home and so on,

after knowing the reason Ms. juju asked to return home, the mother did not mngijinkan return but ask Ms. juju just created to the hospital to check the lump and turns tumor

after knowing that tumor mother asked Ms. juju to live for today oprasi and schedule its operations after waiting a day and tglnya Dr doctors and hospitals.

mother @ashanty_ash kl help or not pandang2 New people want to know or do not know always helped only Kita2 who stayed at the mother who knew the mother of the man who is good and equal attention kita2.

Although this dikata2in like dibuly and it tp tdk th mrk what mothers do this kita2 nolong bt like Ms. juju,

PRL ill mother do something like that always say dipmr2kan orang2 hate @thehermansyah family,

kita2 enough that th dirmhnya who lived and wrote this knp sy sy just want or2 ngatain mother who usually only pesta2 and pamer2 th pd what is going dipamerin mother and pesta2 what,

ngata2in all of you who were morbidly th Pd what the mother did bt orang2 like this kita2 paddling able bt treated like this

Posts Suwarsih was immediately received various komentar.Banyak were amazed by the kindness that has been done by Ashanty.

"Good Bund bget hope rejekinya Enhancement tbmh BYK mbk hope cpt cembuh juju."
"Thank God yes GOD's really sweet mother @ashanty_ash @ananghijau ... smg berjln operations with a smooth and successful."
"Good bad someone just orng2 around which most know .. that far just mengira2 / prejudiced. SMG in easy operation Aamiin kn ..."
"Get Rid mb juju .... ya allah read the caption pgn cry .... smg sincerity ms anang & Ashanty mother would mjd blessing for their families .... incredible."
"God will repay Alhamdulillah..pasti mother @ashanty_ash Dg our own way that God is ill menetahuinya..krn best counter sgala umatx kebaikn large or kecil..salam dear unt ncuss @suwarsiha kluarga yes."

Bismillah semoga lancar operasinya mbak juju, mbak juju ini asalnya Dr Banten dn kerja sm bunda ,baru 2 bulan .trnyata mbak juju ini skt tumor ,waktu dtng kermh bunda , tumornya baru sebesar kelereng wkt itu mbak juju nganggapnya benjolan biasa tdk th kl itu tumor , dan makin hr benjolan itu membesar dan skrng sebesar buah mangga , awalnya semua pd tdk th kl mbak juju kena tumor dan knp skrng Br th krn awalnya mbak juju minta ijin plng sm sekretarisnya bunda dan ditny sekretarisnya bunda knp mnt plng dan sebagainya , setelah th alasannya mbak juju mnt plng , bunda tdk mngijinkan plng tp meminta mbak juju tinggal buat dibw kermh skt untuk cek benjolannya dn trnyata tumor setelah th itu tumor bunda mnt mbak juju untuk tinggal buat oprasi dan hr ini jadwal operasinya setelah menunggu hari dan tglnya Dr dokter dn rmh skt.bunda @ashanty_ash kl menolong or tdk pandang2 or mau Br kenal atau tdk kenal selalu ditolong cuma Kita2 yg tinggal sm bunda yg th bunda itu or yg baik dan perhatian sm kita2. Walau suka dibuly dan dikata2in ini itu tp mrk tdk th apa yg dilakukan bunda bt nolong kita2 ini seperti mbak juju , bunda melakukan sesuatu tdk prl dipmr2kan seperti yg selalu diktkan orang2 yg membenci keluarga @thehermansyah , cukup kita2 yg th yg tinggal dirmhnya, dan knp sy menulis ini sy cuma ingin or2 yg ngatain bunda cuma bisanya pesta2 dan pamer2 pd th apa yg mau dipamerin bunda dan pesta2 apa ,kalian semua yg ngata2in itu Pd tdk th kan apa yg bunda lakukan bt orang2 seperti kita2 ini yg tdk mampu bt berobat seperti ini
A photo posted by Suwarsih Asih (@suwarsiha) on