a resident of West Semper, refused blusukan Basuki Purnama Tjahaja

Action oration some residents Semper Barat district, precisely RW Tipar Road 04 East, North Jakarta coloring blusukan Tjahaja Basuki Purnama (Ahok), Monday (02/01/2017).

RW 04 residents who called Rohadi refused because he was following the arrival Ahok MUI fatwa stating, Ahok commit blasphemy.

"I refused because she blasphemer, you're done. We just follow the MUI fatwa, because we also reject blasphemer come here," he said at the site.

However, Rohadi insists intercept Ahok campaign. Himself and a number of other residents invited Ahok campaign in the region.

"You can see, we do not intercept, only giving speeches alone," he said.

On the other hand, Jakarta governor candidate sequence of two was told not to worry himself while at the scene denied citizens.
Read: Permits Ahok Tak Bag Campaign in Semper Barat

"Relaxing wrote, which we support more than ngadang," Ahok said, as he walked to greet residents.

Monitoring the Warta Kota, people who reject the arrival Ahok only about 30s people. Most of them are children under age.

Those who rallied echoes Takbir and mentions that support Cagub Ahok daalah Kafir.

"Allahu Akbar, Allahu Akbar ... The support Ahok Infidels," they shouted to Ahok.