Google will pay taxes in Indonesia Rp 988 billion

Google tax issues in Indonesia finally met the midpoint. The Directorate General of Taxation (DGT) offers tax settlement or tax settlement on the search engine giant.

 Figures agreement is said to range from 73 million US dollars or equivalent to Rp 988 billion. The range will not exceed the number of charges, but it could be less.
 "Considered as a tax amnesty for Google," said Head of Jakarta Regional Office of Special DJP, Muhammad Haniv, as reported by WSJ and collected KompasTekno, Friday (11/25/2016).
 Earlier, in September, the government said that Google owes taxes and fines of up to Rp 5 trillion. Figures Rp 988 billion deal is certainly far below the initial benchmark. Haniv explained the origin of Rp 988 billion, it is because the government agreed to forgive fines Google Rp 4 trillion. When referring to the original tax Google, the Mountain View company was only owed about $ 1 trillion. Figures Rp 4 trillion itself is fine Google's tax arrears from 2011 to 2015 then. Haniv targeting Google's tax problems could be resolved before the end of 2016.
 Google has not commented about the agreement that has been diumbar Haniv.
Previously, Google Indonesia confirmed it had done its obligation as a company operating in the country without recourse. According to Google, the business unit in Indonesia just as organizerpromosi event under the supervision of Google Asia Pacific, headquartered in Singapore. The Singapore office was the one who handles all contracts from advertisers in Indonesia.

 Google brags during this routine Indonesian unit paying taxes and adding 8 percent of which are recorded as income unit. Note, digital advertising business transactions in Indonesia in 2015 alone reached 850 million US dollars, or around Rp 11.6 trillion. The government says 70 percent of that figure is the contribution of Google and Facebook. The government hopes that if the problem with Google is completed, the tax collection to other foreign companies such as Facebook and Twitter could be easier. Google tax problems not only occur in Indonesia, but also some European countries. In England, in January Google agreed to pay the tax settlement amounting to 130 million pounds. For some people the number is still very small compared to Google's revenue in the country billions of pounds over 10 years.