nitizen splashy Al Ghazali posting photos on Instagram lafadz gods

Musicians Maia Estianty upload vacation photos with Al Ghazali, the eldest son from his marriage to Ahmad Dhani in Instagram. This photo later caused a commotion cyberspace.

In the photo taken of the unknown on the island of Gili Trawangan, Lombok, Al looked standing proudly on a boat with two hands in the back. In the caption, Maia write the wonders that exist on the right photo eldest son.

"If there is ngeh, at the top right of the picture @ alghazali7 there was the word of God is similar lafaz. Masha'allah. #maiaestianty #diarymaia #alghazali," Wrote Maia in the caption.

This post was overrun known netizen comments. In fact, there are trying to show the other wonders in the photo.

@firda_nurilly wrote, "lower left corner there is also a cloud formed Lafadz mother @maiaestiantyreal God."

"Allahu akbar. Yeah bun, I also tough," wrote @aisyah_amir_hasibuan.

"Bun note that if left too bun," wrote @ dian4120.

A photo posted by alghazaliköhler (@alghazali7) on