non-performing loans (NPL) are still controlled under one percent.

Revolving Fund Management Institution Cooperatives and Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSME LPDB) stated the level of non-performing loans (NPLs) remained under control. The amount is kept below one percent.

Director of Business Development LPDB KUMKM Trinojuwono Adi said, in 2016, the institute NPL decreased from 0.47 to 0.44 percent. Compared to SMEs, he said, cooperatives accounted for more NPL.

"The issue of NPL should be classified among cooperatives and SMEs. We have not to share it, and the overall numbers of each has not been conveyed, but clearly the cooperative is still dominant," said Adi, when found in the building LPDB KUMKM, in Jakarta, Monday (9 / 1).

According to him, it is natural, because the amount is more cooperative. Based on data from the Ministry of Cooperatives and Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs Kemenkop) in 2015, there are more than 150 units of cooperatives stood at 25 million active members.

KUMKM LPDB revenue this year to rise, even a surplus of 48.19 percent. "If a small NPL means better earnings, when NPL high returns means not fast," he said.