rst-time participants Rizqiya champion Nur Anisah achieve raner up a tourism ambassador

Since sitting at SMAN 1 Mungkid, Magelang, Rizqiya Nur Anisah want to participate in the selection in the selection of tourism ambassadors (duwis). However, the intention is accomplished while in college at the University of Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta.

Accounting student of the 2016 election ventured auditioning duwis Magelang regency level. "I'm actually interested at duwis since I was in high school, but accomplished in college," said Nur Anisah Rizqiya.

The girl who was usually called qya it says, when participated the duwis a struggle. This is because it coincides with the Real Working Lecture (KKN) in the region Parangtritis, Bantul.

"When the selection, I had nglaju of KKN location in Parangtritis to Magelang. In fact, I almost resigned because of corruption or are confused about the focus duwis," said the woman with a height of 172 centimeters.

Ragil child of three brothers pair Muh Chozin and Siti Ngaroh, continue to participate in the selection held. In fact, in previous years he has never participated in the selection. He had once followed the election duwis. However, the end of each session the selection continues to follow.

"Thank God I can during the grand final won the championship two Duwis Magelang regency," said the woman born January 24, 1996 was.

Since elected to duwis, qya have a duty to promote tourism Magelang district to be more widely known. In addition, to preserve the culture and tourism in the district of Magelang. "The point is to promote tourism and culture in Magelang District," he said.