there was a debate in the trial Ahok

The trial continued with the case of alleged blasphemy defendant Tjahaja Basuki Purnama (Ahok) had colored the debate between the accused and the complainant witness.
It was stated Imam of the Islamic Defenders Front (FPI) Jakarta, Muchsin Al Attas after testifying in Auditorium D Ministry of Agriculture, South Jakarta.
The debate, described Muchsin, began when attorney Ahok again denied his client to call Al Maidah verse 51 because it intends outraged the Islamic religion.
"They feel the letter Al Maidah he said to his political opponents were rotten," said Muchsin, Tuesday (03/01/2016).
The testimony heard
The statement denied Muchsin.
According to him, Ahok not say the words that he permasalahkan it in the presence of a political opponent.
"Unless you mentioned, I go to my political opponents foul, it should not," he said.
The defense Ahok, spoken Muchsin, had also accused the complainant.
Read: Predicted Ahok Session Lasts Until Midnight
They called the report addressed to the former regent of East Belitung it because of hatred.
However, these allegations again denied Muchsin.
He said personally do not have a problem with Ahok.
Only actions are deemed disruptive.
"What we hate is not personal (Ahok) but your actions and behavior," he said.
Ahok in the trial said he had expressed a lot of people in the courtroom were not happy with the complainant.
The words immediately returned Muchsin.
"I told you, in this room there are many who do not like you," he said.